In light of Dunblane et al etc etc and recent changes to authentication for a license and a 'reverse' burden of duty upon Gp's, my collegaue 'jwc' has crafted the following letter;
'"Dear Mr Plod
Please find enclosed the original letter from yourselves informing us of the recent shotgun application for the named individual : “Grant or renewal of a firearm and/or shotgun certificate”. It is being returned to you along with this standard covering letter.
Irrespective of any agreement between the police and the BMA regarding the content of these letters, we are in no way bound by any such agreement. There is an implication that we will consider the content of the letter and inform you if we have any concerns. This cannot be done without a proper review of the medical notes. This is not an NHS service and there is no obligation for the practice to comply with this request.
If you feel you require a report on the medical condition of the patient in question, then you are welcome to request one. We would require a signed consent from the patient, and also an indication of the scope and information you would like to have in any such report. As this is not an NHS service, the writing of such a report will attract a fee. This can be discussed further with the practice manager.
For the avoidance of doubt, this is a standard letter which has been attached and returned to you immediately on receipt of your standard shotgun letter; the original letter has not been seen or considered by any of the clinicians in the practice.
Thank you
The surgery"
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