Sunday, 24 February 2013


DrSoupDragon has learnt of an intriguing survey directed at those age 55 and older holding GMC registration;

'..Dear Dr X, 

Can you help?

We are pleased to invite you to take part in a web based survey that Ipsos MORI, the independent research agency, is undertaking on behalf of the GMC. As part of the GMC’s ongoing financial planning activities, they wish to explore doctors’ views of remaining on the register in order to more accurately forecast the number of doctors who are likely to leave the register over the next few months.'

rather fascinating and plainly an interesting fishing expedition given the current medical climate in the UK wrt the toxic mixture of Pension Changes/Revalidation/CQC/ etc ad nauseum.

The GMC planning its finances !

Informal soundings suggest most asked are not replying in any constructive/instructive sense merely letting the survey stew, and not displaying their hand.

We may be seeing a receding tide prior to a Tsunami.............

Watch this space...................

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