Wednesday, 6 February 2013

HeartSink remedy?

congratulations to drchuck ->'So I see this heartsink in clinic-chronic pain, under performing, recurrent S/A, quite probably a nightmare to manage as regrettably a number of issues have been medicalised needlessly and the unions and lawyers have been involved. 

To cap it all the heartsink couldn't pour piss out of a boot with instructions on the heel.

The heartsink was accompanied by quite possibly one of the most hostile, belligerent people I have met who was acting as the heartsinks "advocate". 

One of the complaints the heartsink has is that "no-one at work will take time to listen to me when I feel bad and my pain is at its worst". 

The advocate thought this was an outrage, how dare they be unsympathetic and uncaring etc etc yaddah yaddah yaddah.

With some rather brave negotiation on my part I managed to persuade heartsink to the view that this wasn't really the role of colleagues or managers.

Well, snorted the advocate, if itsn't theirs, who the bloody hells is it?

Gently, oh so gently, I articulated the perspective that the patient was so lucky to have such a considerate and capable friend and that I felt the "patient" could usefully avail themselves of this persons support frequently and lengthily.

Cue horrified look on advocates face and beaming look of delight on patient.'

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