Thursday, 21 March 2013

QUEST session 20 march

1 hr child protection level 2 - courtesy of Dr RJF
1hr 30mins - Dietician presentation -> supplements - SR
then partners meeting

Wednesday, 13 March 2013

Mercia Healthcare Ltd ?

13/Mar/2013 - the date of Pope Francis's delivery from Buenos Aires!

As Mrs SoupDragon said '.... he looks a nice geezer....'.

Corporate Governance in the UK [Cadbury]

link to descriptors of CG;

Prof Donald Berwick

interesting chap, brought into the NaSH in the wake of the Francis report as 'The Enforcer';

Tuesday, 12 March 2013

Steaming manure in March .................

Surely a manifestation of the Moonies?..................

what utterly butterly bonkersness.

Child protection

meeting last night with Dr A.H at HW centre - 7:30-9:30 level 3 stuff !
useful website;

Time for some music ....................

one for Echo and the Bunnymen followers;

dont they all look _so_ young !

Classy tune i think....................

Sunday, 10 March 2013

Spirit of the Squirrel Blog

A new kid on the Block ! welcome to the Revolution ;

Friday, 8 March 2013

Humerous analogies

work in progress;

'Like offering members a shit sandwich and then concluding they weren't hungry just because they passed up on the offer.'

' I've yet to meet anyone who thought the best end of the wedge to insert first was the thick end.'

BMA day of IA and pensions

'The BMA will protect your pension....'
It has tested the members and they have been found wanting.

'Like offering members a shit sandwich and then concluding they weren't hungry just because they passed up on the offer.'

This relates to the 2012 Gallipolli campaign with respect to HMG and NHS pension contribution thresholds, together with retirement ages.

Keynes vs Hayek

John Maynard Keynes;

Frederich Hayek;